VYZOV Prize Awards Ceremony Took Place on December 19 at Moscow Manege
On December
19, the Manege Central Exhibition Hall in Moscow hosted the second Awards
Ceremony for the VYZOV National Prize for Future Technologies. This ceremony
was a scientific Oscar, a unique immersive performance at the intersection of
science and art featuring Konstantin Khabensky, Alexandra Ursulyak, Pavel
Tabakov, Sofia Ernst, Leonid Agutin, and Anton Belyaev. The ceremony was directed
by Konstantin Bogomolov and anchored by Igor Vernik.
Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the
Supervisory Board of the Vyzov Foundation, delivered the address of the Russian
President Vladimir Putin and noted the significance of the VYZOV Prize: "I
would like to thank the President for the fact that in 2022, he took the
initiative to establish the Decade of Science and Technology. Undoubtedly, the international
VYZOV Prize is a jewel among other very important events that promote our
science and technologies".
The VYZOV Prize
in "Future" category was awarded to Leonid Fershtat for advanced
research in the field of creation of multipurpose organic functional materials
based on high-nitrogen molecular architectures. He received the award from
Mikhail Shvydkoy, Special Representative of the President of the Russian
Federation for International Cultural Cooperation.
Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, together with
Veronika Skvortsova, Head of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, presented
the award to Sergey Taskaev, laureate in the "Engineering Solution"
category for the development of a compact accelerator neutron source suitable
for a wide range of research applications, including neutron capture therapy.
laureate of the VYZOV Prize comes from Novosibirsk, a city renowned for its
scientists and discoveries. It is home to the Siberian Circular Photon Source (SKIF),
the Megascience-class installation, has just recently launched the first beam
of charged particles from its injector. This is a 4+ generation synchrotron with
a brightness unmatched by other similar projects in the world. The award in the
"Engineering Solution" category is an example of how a non-accidental
concurrence of circumstances can determine the fate and implementation of a
project that is so important for our people. Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
(BNCT) is a technology that will enable us to start saving people's lives and
curing them from cancer, this terrible disease of the 21st century, already
in 2025 at the Blokhin Cancer Research Center and simultaneously at the Burnazyan
Center," said Dmitry Chernyshenko.
Shlyakhover, President of the Vyzov Foundation for the Development of
Scientific and Cultural Relations, spoke about the accomplishments of the award
during its existence: "It has been exactly one year since we first
gathered in this hall to honor the laureates of the VYZOV Prize. We have managed
to achieve a lot this year. The VYZOV Prize laureates are the real stars in the
world of science, and we are doing everything so these stars shine bright. Reports
are made about them, plays are staged, and their faces and names are placed on huge
billboards all over Moscow. We are proud of our laureates and want the whole world
as well as the entire country to take pride in them."
Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, awarded
the prize in "Breakthrough" category to Evgeny Antipov for his work
in the creation of fundamental and practical basis for the development and
production of electrode materials for new generation metal-ion batteries.
Co-Laureate of the Prize is Artem Abakumov.
the Decade of Science and Technology, we are looking to achieve several key
objectives. One of them is attracting more young people to the field of research
and development. Another goal is to bring together our research institutions,
universities, and research teams with businesses and organizations that work in
the real sector of the economy. Certainly, this award helps us attain these crucial
national goals," the minister said.
Likhachev, Director General of the State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM, presented
the VYZOV Prize in the international "Discovery" category to Nikos
Logothetis, a scientist from China, for his fundamental contribution to the
development of functional magnetic resonance imaging and its implementation in
everyday scientific and clinical practice for studying human brain activity.
Likhachev noted that the VYZOV Prize enhances the standings of scientists in
society and draws the attention of young researchers to major
research-intensive projects. "The nuclear industry tackles unprecedented
scientific challenges, which means that we need celebrity scientists and
engineers with exceptional intelligence, talent, and courage. Rosatom supports
the VYZOV Prize as we want to contribute to shaping the modern image of scientists
and raising the profile of researchers," he said.
Zauers, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprombank, awarded the
VYZOV Prize in the "Scientist of the Year" category to Valery Tuchin for
outstanding contributions to the field of life sciences, as well as to the new
interdisciplinary field of knowledge and technology – biophotonics.
Mr. Zauers
emphasized why businesses need to support science: "We at Gazprombank are
implementing a large-scale program to foster science and innovations, and
collaborate with leading universities. Supporting science is in our DNA. We
believe in people who create knowledge, technologies, entire industries, and
the future of our country, just like the VYZOV Prize winners."
Yunusov, Co-Founder of the Russian Quantum Center, Advisor to the CEO of
Rosatom State Corporation, Chairman of the Board of the Vyzov Foundation, spoke
on the high prestige of the VYZOV Prize: "All winners of the VYZOV Prize share
the love for science. As a child, I also had a dream of becoming a scientist
and winning the Nobel Prize. I am glad that now our country has an award such
as the VYZOV Prize, and winning this award is a great dream."
Mayor, General Director of MAER Media Holding, explored the role of modern
media technologies in promoting scientific knowledge: "We see a great
number of world-class scientific celebrities around us. We need to promote
them, so that people in every corner of Russia learn about them and take pride
in them. They are the role models for the younger generation."
Bogomolov, Director of the VYZOV Prize Awards Ceremony, Art Director of the
Bronnaya Theater and Melnikov Stage Theatre, explained the concept of the
event: "We decided to use the labyrinth metaphor as a starting point. The
labyrinth represents a quest and a journey towards light, fame, and
recognition. The quest of a scientist always involves overcoming obstacles in
order to make discoveries that will transform the world."
of the 2024 VYZOV Prize shared their emotions after receiving the awards:
"I am very
proud to become the laureate of the VYZOV Prize. I can hardly describe the
emotions I am experiencing right now. First of all, I would like to express my
gratitude to the Vyzov Foundation and the Scientific Committee of the Prize for
evaluating my application at the highest level among hundreds of others,"
said Leonid Fershtat, winner in the "Future" category.
award is important to me and my team. We want to see this journey through to
the end and to make sure that our devices help people, heal them. We have even
more new ideas in the pipeline. I hope that receiving this award will help
implement them," commented Sergey Taskaev, winner in the "Engineering
Solution" category.
"I am
very grateful to the Vyzov Foundation and the Scientific Committee for such
high assessment of our joint work and achievements," said Evgeny Antipov,
winner in the "Breakthrough" category.
"We capitalized
on our knowledge and experience in creating new materials with important,
necessary, functional properties," said Artem Abakumov, Co-Laureate in the
"Breakthrough" category.
"I am
very happy with having the VYZOV Prize, but even more happy that I am receiving
this Prize in Russia," shared Nikos Logothetis, laureate in
"Discovery" category.
have an absolutely wonderful, brilliant ceremony today. I feel like a star. In
my opinion, scientists draw strength from their teachers, students, and, of
course, family. I feel blessed because I have great teachers," said Valery
Tuchin, winner in the "Scientist of the Year" category.